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Best Way to Buy Home Appliances on a Budget in Sri Lanka

Brand new appliances are attractive but they can be pretty expensive. However, sometimes, the appeal and the necessity far outweigh the cost. What you have to do is to buy home appliances within your budget. How do you do that? Granted, it is not an easy feat to achieve but with planning and strategies, you can buy home appliances on a budget. Here are some tips to help you keep within your budget and still buy the appliance of your choice –

Buying Floor Models

Retailers have floor models that can be bought on discounted rates. These floor models are ‘handled’ by the customers and are not considered new. However, do understand that floor models are only touched and not used. Therefore, while the consumer may be able to buy them at discounted prices, which are cheaper than the new appliances, they are not as inexpensive as used appliances. Buying floor models can enable you to purchase a model or appliance that may have hitherto seemed unattainable.

Cosmetically Imperfect Models

Keep a lookout for models that have minor flaws. Such flaws can reduce the price of appliances, such as refrigerators, drastically. When you observe the cosmetic flaw, you can speak to the floor manager and point it out so that you will be in a position to bargain the price. First, decide the price that suits your budget. Explain how the reduction in the price is warranted because the appliance is not in pristine condition. Try it out! You will be surprised how pointing out the flaws in the model or the appliance will work in your favor.

For example, suppose you are considering the purchase of a high-end refrigerator. Usually, when they are transported from the factory to the showroom or the retail shop, one or two of them may suffer physical cosmetic damage. The damage will not affect the working of the appliance but only its appearance. If there is a ding on the door or the side-wall etc., you can point it out and work out the discounted price before speaking to the manger for the reduction.


When you are out to buy home appliances, you need not necessarily opt for the manufacturer’s package deal. You can pick and choose from the available collection at the retail outlet. The point is to have appliances that suit your budget and do not make a dent in your pocket. So, you should choose accordingly. For example, you can choose different manufacturers for refrigerators and microwaves. You do not have to opt for home electronic goods from the same company. The pick and choose option of mix-matching works especially when you are buying kitchen appliances. The retailer may offer you the package for a low rate. However, the package may consist of items that you do not need or are way beyond your budget. Buy things at your price. After all, you are the one who has to pay for them.

Look Out For Deals

When you are considering buying anything, especially appliances, you should wait for the right time. Avoid festivals and holiday rushes. This is when retailers charge a premium because they know that their goods will be sold.

Wait for the New Models to Come

Another point to remember is that there is a time of the year when new models are displayed. When you are working within a budget, learn which is the time of the year new models arrive. A couple of months before this time, the retailers offer heavy discounts on the old models. For example, if you have been eyeing that five-burner cooktop for sometime but haven’t been able to afford it, just wait for the arrival of the next model. You can then buy this cooktop at a discounted price. You get what you want and without spending too much.

Time of Sale

There is always a time of the year when appliances are for sale at prices much lower than usual. Wait for this time. When the sale is on, you can buy the appliance that you have been eyeing or need. For example, if you want to buy refrigerators, then wait till the weather cools down. This is when you will find refrigerators for sale. Take advantage of this and get a good model.

Retailers also offer refrigerators for sale when they are trying to tempt students in universities. Keep a lookout for such sales. You will be surprised at the discounts available at such times. While they are tempting the students, you can take advantage.

Watch the Classifieds

It is not necessary to buy only new appliances. You can also buy used refrigerators that are available in good condition. If you read the classifieds, you will observe that many people advertise for sale of household appliances such as televisions, used refrigerators and washing machines etc. because they are moving to a new country or a smaller home. At such times, you can get good items are throwaway prices. You will be in a position to buy high end products within your budget.

All said and done, when you are appliance shopping, the first thing to do is to decide what you want to buy and how much you are willing to spend. Then comes the part when you have to decide how urgently your need the appliance and how long you are willing to wait. Therefore, you have to first window shop or check up the prices and the models online. Then decide upon the features and specifications of the appliance that you are looking for. You can also check for classifieds online. The advantage of such classifieds is that you meet people directly and get to know the condition of the item that you are considering for purchase. Remember, you have to time it properly so that you can find good discounts, and you will be holding sizeable savings.

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