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Car maintenance tips during COVID-19 Lockdown

Car maintenance can take a back seat with all the stress and the additional tasks that are now in your normal day to day routine with the pandemic. With the rise of the Covid -19, the government imposes lockdowns and curfews from time to time. This means your vehicle needs to be parked in the same place for a very long time.

Car Maintenance during Lockdown 

Neglecting your car at this period can potentially cause long-term harm. It also can lead to terrible surprises when you return to your car after the lockdown is over. So, here are a few covid car care tips to keep in mind to maintain the health of your vehicle during the lockdown. 

Park it safely

Park it indoors, so it is protected from external elements and also from criminals. If you don’t have an indoor parking space, you can always use a good quality cover. 

Clean the inside

If you leave garbage in your car, especially food wrappers and uneaten food items, they can rot and give your vehicle interior an unpleasant odour. Moreover, it all can attract rats who can damage your car.

Take care of the battery. 

Everyone knows the car batteries get depleted when not used for a long period of time. To avoid this, start your vehicle at least once a week and keep it running for a few minutes. Also, make sure the wire ends and terminals are well cleaned, and the water level is well maintained. 

Use brakes, not the handbrake

Engaging the handbrake for a lengthy period of time might damage the brake pads. So, it’s better to use bricks or any other objects to prevent the car from rolling. 

Fill up the tank 

One of the simple covid car care tips you can follow is to fully fill your gas tank. This will help you keep moisture out and prevent the inside of the tank from rusting. 

Also Read – Maintenance Tips for First-Time Car Owners


Why is car maintenance important during a lockdown?

If you’re using your car less, it can cause many issues and not move when you need it most. So effectively maintaining your car contributes to maintaining the health of  it.

How long can engine oil sit in a car?

Good quality oil will last up to 5 years.

How to get your car professionally serviced during a lockdown?

If your area is under strict movement restrictions, you will have to wait until the government lift the restrictions to get your car to the service station. If it’s a situation that needs immediate attention, you might be able to get some advice from your mechanic to keep the situation under control until you visit the service station.

How long can you leave a car parked without starting it?

Don’t let your car lie still for more than two weeks; at least, get it started and running for a few minutes.

What happens if you don’t drive your car for a while?

When you don’t drive your car for an extended period of time, your engine may lose lubrication, and the battery might deplete.

Car service during lockdown

It can be difficult to take your car to a service centre when you are in lockdown. However, if you feel like your car needs the immediate attention of a professional, take it to your nearest service station. Be sure to follow all the covid-19 safety measures. 

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