ikman.lk leads Sri Lankan retail sites e-commerce brand rankings

ikman.lk, Sri Lanka’s largest marketplace has been ranked the second strongest and loved e-commerce brand in Sri Lanka according to LMD’s Brands Annual 2017 Edition published recently.
For the very first time, the 2017 edition features ‘E-Commerce Brands’ identifying emerging technologically innovative domains that have successfully established their presence in the local online space.
Results are based on an independent survey conducted by Brand Lanka Finance, which evaluated each platform against four criteria; screening criterion, potential respondents, sample population and geographical spread – with over 1,700 respondents completing a structured questionnaire rating brands on a 10-point scale. According to the e-commerce league table, ikman.lk has achieved the highest score topping the list when compared to other online retail sites endorsing its premier ranking.
Launched in 2012, ikman.lk was Sri Lanka’s first revolutionary online classified platform providing consumers a convenient, fast and cost effective buying-selling experience. Having grown leaps and bounds since the platform commenced, today ikman.lk’s popularity and beloved status is well established. The ikman.lk brand is a household name; a classified site where buyers and sellers could buy and sell almost anything. Central to its success is the site’s convenience as an online marketplace and the acceptance that the platform works; where sellers achieve success in selling their products and buyers flock to the site in search of products.
Showcasing the platform’s stellar reputation that has grown over the years, in April 2017, ikman.lk welcomed an impressive +2 million unique visitors, +2 million interested buyers, retained 60,000 classified advertisements across all categories, with 150,000 ads live on the site considering ads are automatically deleted after two months. Propelling this phenomenal online success has been ikman.lk’s ability to include multiple value additions and features that encourage repeat visits, transactions and ongoing brand loyalty. Continuously offering focused value for all stakeholders; ikman.lk’s value additions include ikman Deals, Memberships, Buy Now with a delivery option and premium listing offers.
Leveraging its reach, ikman.lk’s expansive categories include cars and vehicles, house and property, household items, fashion, health and beauty, hobbies, sports and kids’ items, jobs in Sri Lanka, services, business and industry, education, work overseas, food and agriculture and more.
Additionally, the average time spent on the site is about 15 minutes as measured by Google Analytics, indicating consumer loyalty and strong brand engagement when compared to other online retail websites.
“Being ranked as the leading online marketplace consolidates ikman.lk’s leadership in e-commerce locally. We understand what matters to consumers and have offered the most convenient way possible to find the products they want. Our value additions have also enhanced ikman.lk’s position as the most sought after household brand online,” said Stefan Beekmeyer, Director Marketing & Sales, ikman.lk.