Secure your home – think like a criminal!
When it comes to making your home safe and secure against break ins, there is no better mindset to get in than that of a criminal. Why, you ask? Simple: no one knows how to circumvent security measures better than someone who wants to take your belongings without permission. If you can put yourself into their shoes and evaluate your home from the outside, you’ll gain valuable insight in how to better protect the items you hold dear.
Entry Points
The first step is to take an external view. Step outside your home and walk around your yard. Look for any ways into your home – windows, doors, even external entryways into the attic. If you wanted to get inside and you had locked yourself out, what would be your approach? If you have to take a lot of time to find a way in, good – you’re doing something right. On the other hand, if you can immediately pinpoint the quickest way into your home, then you can be sure that a burglar will too.
Once you have found these entry points, you have to take the steps to secure them. The easiest way is probably the most obvious – install locks on the doors and windows. However, unconventional points of entry, like the entry into the attic, will require equally unconventional methods of blocking them off. It’s easy to put a padlock on an external entry, but padlocks are easily broken with just a hammer or even a large rock. If it isn’t absolutely necessary, consider boarding up any external attic entrances; not only does this prevent burglars from gaining access, but it also keeps critters from getting into your home.
Alarm Systems
Many homes and apartments come with alarms already installed, but they are often rarely used. Change this. If you have access to an alarm, make use of it; set it before you leave and before you go to bed each night. The true purpose of a security system isn’t to alert the police of a burglary, but to scare away potential thieves. Studies have shown that homes which display their security system are less likely to be broken into, and suffer less successful thefts. The moment the alarm triggers and begins blaring the siren throughout your home, not only will you wake up, but so will the entire neighborhood. The burglar will not be too inclined to stick around at that point.
Make it seem like you’re at home.
If you were a thief, which home would you choose: the one with lights and sound coming from it, or the home that looks dark and deserted? Easy choice, right? Thieves tend to go for residences which look like no one is home. Even if you can’t be at the house all the time, leave the television running and a few interior lights on in strategic rooms. This is best done if you can leave lights on in places that can’t be seen from the outside – a hallway or back room, for instance. If a burglar can look inside and see that no one is actually in the home, it kind of defeats the purpose. However, appearance can often be reality in this case; if they think someone is in the house, they’ll move on to an easier mark the majority of the time.
Keep valuables hidden from sight.
Many people make the mistake of leaving expensive possessions lying in plain sight of the door and windows. If someone can glance inside and see a valuable gold watch laying on a bookshelf, they’re much more inclined to find a way inside to take the watch than if they can see nothing of value. The same goes for electronics and computers; keep them out of view of windows. If you want natural light, place them on the second floor or in such a way that they are difficult to see. Avoid being obvious, and you can help keep your home or flat more secure.
Upgrade your locks.
Picking locks is something that takes time and skill, and contrary to what movies would have you believe, does not actually happen often. However, many thieves will simply break the locks from the door with the use of a hammer or other tool. Sometimes they can just as easily kick in a door. However, would you try to break a large, imposing lock? Just like the above step of appearing like you’re at home, placing a strong, heavy lock on your door can deter criminals. Most do not want to draw attention to themselves, so a lock that looks difficult to break or pick will be more effective than one that seems flimsy. Upgrading the locks around your home can help to keep all but the most determined criminals away.
Get a dog.
While a dog can be a great companion to you or your family, they also serve as a very effective deterrent for criminals. The presence of a barking dog is enough to scare away most anyone, especially if the dog sounds large and dangerous. Criminals breaking into houses do so with the intent of making a profit – getting injured in the process does not factor into their plans. By investing in a dog, you can make a friend for life and keep your home better protected than it would be otherwise.
Light up the area around your home.
The majority of burglaries happen in the dark. When a thief is trying to gain access into your home, they’re going to approach from whichever direction offers the most cover. If you have a large amount of shrubbery around your home and few lights, it’s the perfect recipe for a thief to strike. Instead, place motion sensitive floodlights around your home; the moment a thief moves within range, the lights will activate. Any of your neighbors nearby will notice a light coming on that shouldn’t, and many will investigate. No thief wants to work in the light, so the simple act of installing lights can be one of the most effective home protection methods out there.
Speak with the landlord.
If you’re looking for rooms to rent, speak with the landlord about potential ways to better protect your belongings. Rental accommodations are often less secure than privately owned homes, but you can take steps to better protect yourself, so long as you act within the confines of your contract. Observing basic ideas such as hiding belongings and keeping curtains on the windows can make it more difficult for a criminal to see inside. Leave a radio on while you’re away to give the illusion of someone being at home. Most landlords are more than happy to work with their tenants, so find out what options are available to you.
When it comes to securing your home, common sense goes a long way. Thinking like a criminal will give you some insight into potential vulnerabilities that you haven’t noticed about your home, and more importantly, allow you to correct them and better protect yourself and your family.