COMING SOON: A New Property Portal for Our Times

A glance at Sri Lanka’s home and property space can tell any keen observer that despite the housing deficit there are vacant homes and apartments which have not been occupied not because of the lack of funds or resources from Sri Lankan residents but because they do not know where to look or have no idea these properties exist.
And despite the increasing investment into the Sri Lankan real estate industry and the emergence of new developers, this problem still exists. Step in to Sri Lanka’s leading online property which is leading the charge to connect developers and prospective property buyers at the click of a button. currently boasts of being the only property portal in Sri Lanka to record 3 million monthly unique visitors, 150 million monthly page views and a staggering 400,000 live property ads.
Our brand new solution involves partnering with leading Property Developers in Sri Lanka, backed with our extensive knowledge of the marketplace. With an unmatched capability in online marketing and a robust platform, intends to match developers and their new and existing developments to prospective buyers in a way that has never been done before.
Recognizing the rising demand from this sector, is by answering the ultimate question of the marketplace: How do we find the right property? Coming soon. A new property portal for our times.