Essential checks when buying used home appliances

Buying used kitchen appliances can be a great way to cut down costs. Used appliances are great choices for the new family starting out in their first home, the budget-minded student, and even those who want to go for a more ‘retro’ look in their home. However, with that said, there are several things you should be mindful of when purchasing. Used appliances can present a risk that new ones do not, most notably that you aren’t sure what kind of problems they may have. This guide will help you through the most important safety checks when buying used kitchen appliances.
The first thing to check when buying an appliance is its condition. Trust your initial impressions – if the appliance appears to be discolored, rusted, or is obviously broken, that should be a sign. However, a bit of rust or discoloration doesn’t instantly mean it doesn’t work, but it will definitely need some cleaning. After all, you don’t want to use a dirty appliance in your kitchen.
Another thing to keep an eye on are the color panels. If they aren’t the same color, it’s a good sign that a lot of repair work has been done to the appliance. If that’s the case, find out why.
Another thing to consider is how much use the appliance has seen. For instance, if it’s a household kitchen appliance used in a restaurant kitchen, it’s safe to assume that it has seen far more use than most appliances would. This can cause appliances to wear out much more quickly than they might otherwise. On the other hand, restaurant-grade appliances that have only ever been used in a household kitchen will likely last much longer because of their durability.
A final item to consider is transportation. When you purchase an appliance used, take the time to think about how you will get it from the point of sale to your home. Heavy appliances, such as ovens, stoves, and washing machines, will require several people and a truck in order to move effectively. If you do not have the necessary equipment to move the appliance, it might be best to wait to purchase until you do. You could also consider renting a moving truck, but that is an additional expense you might want to avoid.
Different Types of Appliances
Some types of appliances require special consideration. Depending upon the appliance, you may want to consider performing a more thorough check.
Blenders are one of the most common types of appliances, and also one of the easiest to find used. However, you should always check the blades – ensure there is no rust on either side of the blade, and test how sharp the individual blades are. If necessary, clean them and sharpen the blades. It might be necessary to replace them.
The main reason behind purchasing a used refrigerator is simple: while they are very expensive brand new, refrigerators have very long life spans. Even if you purchase on that has been in use for ten years, you can still expect the machine to continue working for years to come, provided you give it the proper care. Replacing a freezing coil on a refrigerator is much less expensive than purchasing a new appliance, after all.
This tip applies to most of the larger appliances, not just refrigerators; washing machines, stoves, and dryers all last for a long time, but cost a ton brand new. Save some money and purchase used. Used appliance parts are easy to come by and much more affordable than shopping new.
Mixers share a similar problem to blenders; while the machine itself might work fine, the periphery devices could pose a problem. Inspect the mixing blades for rust and signs of wear, and replace them if necessary. There is no reason home appliances can’t be refurbished and repaired, so don’t discount an item just because it might require a bit of elbow grease to function properly again.
Microwaves last for years, but because they function through the use of sometimes harmful rays, it can be a great idea to thoroughly inspect the appliance. Make sure the door closes all the way and that the shielding within is not broken; also, make sure the turntable in the center of the microwave works as it should. If not, the food within won’t cook properly. Microwaves can be repaired, but it should be left to a professional who completely understands the device.
Scratch and Dent Sales
Annual events known as scratch and dent sales are some of the best places to find used appliances. The floor models that stores use to demonstrate the devices are still fully functional, but because of their exposure to the general public, they tend to suffer from scratches and dents that make them unable to be sold as ‘new.’ In this event, to clear out space or inventory, the store will sell these appliances at a discounted price. Shrewd and savvy shoppers can save a lot of money by targeting these sales and purchasing the item at a steep discount, when the only real damage is purely aesthetic.
Another great place to look for savings is at estate sales. When someone is moving out of their home or selling old household items, you can usually find discounted prices on major appliances. The fact is, most people aren’t in the market for appliances – they have what they need. This makes the demand low, which drives prices down. In the end, the consumer – you – benefits.
The next time you decide to remodel your kitchen or move into a new home, don’t feel like you have to spend your entire budget on appliances. Take the time to shop smart and save money; buying used appliances is one of the smartest decisions a homeowner can make.