Do you know how to post an attractive ad on ikman? Here’s a step by step guide, to ensure your ad hits the nail right on its head!
If you’re a seller then you’ve got to know how to create an attractive advertisement that would definitely come up as a worthy offer to a buyer. And in order to do that, there are certain aspects which would make an advertisement more desirable than the others!
Know your basics.
ikman ensures an easy platform to post your ad which is completely hassle- free. You don’t need to go through the old school newspaper advertising method anymore to see your advertisement appear during the weekend; instead you can ensure instantaneous action of your advertisement reaching the ikman client community within a couple of hours.
First of all click on the post your ad icon and you would be redirected to a sign up page, which you could do easily through your Facebook profile or simply by entering your email address.
Tip: It is easier and faster to link your Facebook account (if you’ve got one) which assures your identity online and its’ safe and secure.
Once you’ve signed up select what you want to do. You’ll have the option to either sell and item like or service, offer a property for rent or post a job vacancy. You can sell anything from Cars, motorbikes, mobile phones, land, apartments to anything on ikman!
Tip: Choose the right category, because this will streamline the audience and direct you to likeminded buyers.
When you select your category; whether it is selling an item or service you would be requested to select a suitable category to suits your listing. Always chose the correct category and this is crucial.
Following this, select the sub category of your item or service and you’ve got the category listing out of the way.
Selecting the correct area- How does that help?
The second stage is to select your division (where the item or service is available) and the local area further streamlining your location. When you make the selection you’re good to go.
Images, Images, Images
This is what makes your advertisement credible and attractive! Do not skip this step if you want to sell fast! What can be seen to the eyes is trusted more, so take some of the best pictures of what you’ve got to offer and post them right away. You get 5 photos free of charge so why not?
Tip: Refrain from posting Google or Stockphoto images as it might mislead the buyer.
Include the details
Now you’ve simply got to include the details which you want to disclose, along with a description and contact number. Do not miss out on providing any information as a comprehensive ad always grabs attention than a less informative ad.
Tip: Ensure that your ad has a flow, proper use of language (correct spelling and grammar) and is to the point. A well-phrased ad has a greater probability of being viewed more.
Post ad!
You’re done. Hit post ad and let the Ikman review committee go through your ad, and in no time your ad would be approved. If you’ve successfully made it through, you’d be selling in no time.
So what are you waiting for? Get posting now!