Starting a Business – Kitting Out Your First Office

When implementing one of your business ideas, one of the most important things to consider is your office. The office needs to be well furnished and comfortable. This is regardless whether it is business from home or an area where multiple employees will operate out of the same room. All employees will need a desk, a computer, file cabinets, and dividers to separate their working areas. In addition, the office can benefit from having a break room/kitchen area to make coffee, get a snack, etc.
When starting a business, while many people would see this as a waste of money, it’s far from it. A properly furnished office can increase workplace morale. In addition, it raises productivity. Moreover, it doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive. Purchasing used office furniture is a great way to save money, as is looking for deals on furniture for sale. It’s also possible to buy kitchenware used.
This list is a breakdown of the types of office furniture a first time business owner should look into purchasing.
Each employee will need a dedicated desk to work from. The desk needs to be large enough to house a computer on its top. At the same time, there should be enough room to do paperwork. It is even better to have space to have a few trinkets. When not working from home, people also love to have mementos – i.e. photos of the family, etc. on theirs desks. A basic desk can work just fine. However, one that comes fully equipped with multiple drawers and built in storage areas is a much better choice. If possible, when buying office furniture, stick to wooden structures. It is true that metal desks are more durable. However, the cold steel can decrease morale and make it tougher to work when the weather is cool.
Dark mahogany colors and heavy, sturdy wooden desks are the best for an office. It adds a flair of class while still remaining completely affordable.

(Source: Pexels)
When it comes to computers, the best type is largely based upon the service you offer. Imagine that the company focuses on providing physical services. Then, the computers will need to keep records and register basic tasks and employee numbers. However, if the company operates online, then each computer will need a large enough hard drive to store all relevant information, enough RAM to operate without slowing down, and possible a microphone/headset combination to enable communication between employees and clients.
In addition, the computers will need an Ethernet connection to enable online use, or a built in wireless card. The computers should all be connected to a central, intra-office network in order to operate seamlessly with one another. This will allow the owner of the company to monitor the activity of employees and allow easier access to important records.
While some offices favor open floor plans, dividers can promote a more productive workplace by shutting out distractions. Particularly in the case of jobs where there are conversations between employees and clients, dividers can help to mute the sound and keep the din to a somewhat manageable hum.

If you’re not certain about using dividers or not, speak with your employees and find out their opinion. While dividers can be a very expensive investment, they can also be useful. Keep an eye on used office furniture sites to find them for lower rates; many large companies often sell them at a discount.
File Cabinets
They are essential for all employees, particularly if they require to keep their own records and manage everything. File cabinets are not expensive even new, but they’re one of the most important pieces of furniture as far as organization goes. As a bonus, they’re capable of acting as an extra table – perfect for putting pictures, a coffee pot, etc. on. A good rule of thumb is to provide a file cabinet per employee, with multiple cabinets to be kept in the main office for a more permanent record keeping area.
The kitchen is one area of the office where furniture and accessories are based entirely on personal preference. Some offices come equipped with a full kitchen, including stove, burners, oven, etc. Still others bear only a microwave and a refrigerator. In the end, what your office contains will be based on the needs and size of your office.

If you have more than ten employees, it’s a good idea to at least provide an office refrigerator and microwave for quick and easy meals. This way, employees do not have to leave the office in order to get lunch. It maintains high productivity and help to combat those mid-day hunger pangs. A water fountain can also be a great addition to the office to keep employees hydrated.
However, a word of warning – beyond a certain number of employees a kitchen becomes more of a hassle. If you have fifty or more employees who all take their lunch break at similar times, then it can be difficult to provide a large enough space. Make sure to keep this consideration in mind.
While this may seem like a lot of information, furnishing an office is no more difficult than starting a business. In fact, it’s often much easier – and far less expensive. Keeping an eye out for office furniture in the classifieds is a great way to save money. Sites that list furniture for sale are often the best providers of fantastic deals to help you save money in the long run while still getting furniture that’s high quality.
Remember that the sellers are people too, so negotiation is not off the table. If the prices seem a bit high or the piece suffers from damage, try to get the seller to reduce the price a bit. Buying office furniture doesn’t have to be a hassle, as long as you know the right way to do it.