A Guide to Obtaining the TIN for Individuals Aged 18 and Above

Sri Lanka’s tax landscape has evolved, now requiring individuals aged 18 and above to obtain a Tax Identification Number (TIN) under Section 102 of the Inland Revenue Act. This blog provides a straightforward guide on how to easily register and secure your TIN.
Why is a TIN number necessary?
The Inland Revenue Department underscores the significance of the individual Tax Identification Number or TIN in various transactions, including opening a bank account, vehicle registration, land acquisition, and building plan approvals.
Obtaining the TIN Number Online
1. Visit the Official Inland Revenue Department Website (www.ird.gov.lk)
Begin the process by visiting the dedicated webpage on the official Inland Revenue Department website.
Another method is to Navigate to “e-services” and then select “Access to e-services” from the drop-down menu.

Thereafter, click on “Taxpayer Registration”.

Thereafter, you will be redirected to the page shown below:
2. Select registration type:
Select “INDIVIDUAL LOCAL” from the drop-down menu, and proceed to the next page. Mandatory fields marked with “*” in red require accurate information.
3. Provide Contact Details:
Enter your contact details and email address correctly. Bank account information is not obligatory during the application.

4. Family Information (if applicable):
If married, input your details under Family Information. For individual business owners, accurately fill in business information under Individual Business.

5. Supporting Documents Upload:
Upload required documents as photos or scanned copies. Documents include National Identity Card or Valid Driving License, proof of address if different from the permanent address in the National Identity Card, and, if applicable, the registration certificate for individual business owners.

6. Purpose of Registration:
Select the purpose of registration and proceed. A final check on entered information is prompted before moving to the next step.
In this step, select “OTHERS” from the drop-down menu, and then an additional field under “If others, please specify remarks” will open up, where you can type “To obtain a TIN“.

7. Declaration and Submission:
Confirm the accuracy of the entered information, submit the Declaration section, and keep the Acknowledgment sheet. The TIN certificate will be sent via email.
The Inland Revenue Department commits to delivering your TIN certificate and PIN via email within three to seven business days.
By following these simple steps, you ensure compliance with the updated tax regulations in Sri Lanka. Keep your TIN certificate secure for future use, and stay informed about your tax responsibilities.