How to Train a Pet Dog

A pet dog is the perfect animal to join you on a walk through the picturesque Sri Lanka countryside. Looking after dogs can offer new and exciting experiences each and every day. The key to building a strong relationship between a pet and its owner is by training the dog, a process that involves a myriad of different training techniques. If you’re considering one of these pets, simply head on over to to find dogs and puppies for sale.
Paper Training
When looking after dogs or puppies, one of the most important aspects of training that they can learn is house training. This method is one of the lengthiest and will take time. There are 2 distinct methods of house training, known as paper training and crate training. The latter is the more commonly employed method, though the former does have its uses. If you attempt one and find that it does not work, it’s important to understand how to use the other method in such a situation.
In essence, paper training is designed to teach a dog the correct spot for relieving themselves within the house, usually in the form of a large area covered with newspaper. This is a great form of training for pet owners that feel as though they won’t always have time to give their pet ample opportunities to roam outside of the house. Paper training will be a gradual process, which means that the dog should show improvements over time. As it won’t happen right away, it’s important to never show frustration with your dog when they relieve themselves inside the house.
With all types of training, consistency is essential. A dog will pick up visual and sound cues that will tell them when they have done something wrong. You don’t have to raise your voice or spank the dog. In regards to paper training, while the newspaper is to be placed in a large area, it should be reduced over time. Whenever you feel that the dog has become fully accustomed to relieving themselves in that area, remove more of the newpaper, until there is only a small area left. However, this method is meant to lead into crate training, so it will not be wholly sufficient in and of itself.
Crate Training
Crate training is one of the more successful forms of training around, as it helps a dog to understand boundaries, as well as the right time to relieve themselves. You will find that once dogs understand that the crate is their own unique place to sleep and rest in during the day, they will be easier to train in a plethora of other ways. When crate training a dog, try to place all of your dogs treats and toys into the crate, leaving the door open as you do. While they will eventually leave the crate, they will start to understand that the crate is where they can go for basic comforts. Shut the door for 10-15 seconds the first time and then let them out. Keep repeating this step and increase the amount of time the door is closed until you are able to reach 7-10 minutes. Once you have done this, the dog should understand the reason for the crate. It’s also possible that some puppies for sale may already be crate trained.
Following the initial crate training, you can now use the crate as a means of continuing their house training. During the time when you are using the crate to train a pet dog to relieve themselves outside, it’s important to only let them out of the crate to take them out for their “bathroom” break. Do this regularly throughout the day and at least once in the morning and at night. This method of training can take a few months to perfect.
Leash Training
When considering puppies or dogs for sale, you should go ahead and buy a leash, as leash training can be very useful and can provide a dog with proper exercise. Taking a dog outside without a leash can result in them running away. It’s important for a dog to undergo leash training, as it will help them to behave themselves as you’re walking them, instead of pulling the leash or constantly running around everywhere. To ensure that a dog knows how to act, reward them with a small treat every time they they exhibit correct behavior when you’re out walking. Over time, they will learn to eliminate their incorrect behavior.
Obedience Training
When keeping pet dogs, the best way for them to understand what you want without feeling as though you have to resort to raising your voice is by training your pet to listen to certain voice commands, with stay being the most common and useful of these. This is also known as obedience training. While it’s possible that you will come by a dog that has already received proper obedience training when looking for dogs for sale, it’s unlikely.
Sit is likely the easiest command to teach a dog. You will need to sit down in front of your dog and hold a treat directly above their nose. Start lifting the treat higher. As you do, the head of the dog will follow the treat, while their bottom will get lower to the ground. Once it reaches the floor, immediately give them the treat and praise them. Repeat this step often and incorporate the word “sit” whenever you do.
Keeping pet dogs and puppies is something that requires a lot of love and patience, doubly so when training them. It’s important to never show a dog when you’re unhappy with their behavior. Instead, a dog needs positive reinforcement. Make sure they know how happy you are with them when they do something right. This will allow the dog to naturally phase out their bad behavior.