Landlords Checklist

When renting a property in Sri Lanka, a tenant has certain rights that cannot be violated. However, the landlord also has rights that cannot be violated. One way to ensure the rights of both tenants and landlords are not violated is by creating a landlord checklist. This checklist should be completed by both parties to prevent possible disputes.
A landlord’s checklist helps to protect landlords against possible disputes once the landlord-tenant lease agreement ends. One of the first things tenants do when they move into rental flats is survey of the conditions of their rental flats, taking note of damages within their units. Once the checklists are complete, the landlords and tenants must sign and date the checklists. When you move out of your apartment, your landlord will survey your apartment and deduct the damages you have caused outside the damages that were present when you first moved in. Both you and your landlord will fill out another checklist when you move out.
The List
When moving into a rental unit, the responsibility of surveying the unit belongs to you and your landlord. Before moving into a rental apartment, you and your landlord will need to check the condition of the walls, light fixtures, windows, electrical outlets, plumbing and carpeting among other items. Conducting a thorough inspection of a rental unit before moving in is a fundamental right of a tenant, and the landlord cannot withhold information about known damages from their tenants.
Normal Wear And Tear
It is important for landlords and tenants to understand the difference between normal wear and tear and damages. This will help prevent disputes during the move out process. Normal wear and tear refers to damages that can occur no matter how responsible the tenant is; wall paint may fade, carpets wear down and electrical switches cease working. On the other hand, damages occur as a result of tenants’ recklessness or when tenants alter housing units without the consent of their landlords. Damages include cigarette burns in the carpet, holes on walls and broken windows. Tenants do not have the right to alter or modify their housing units without first seeking consent from their landlords. While normal wear and tear may be marked when a tenant moves out, the tenant cannot be charged for it.
The Deductions
One of the first things tenants are required to give to their landlords when they first move in is a deposit. The deposit acts as security, ensuring that damages are covered when the tenants move out. However, damages that were already noted in the landlord-tenant checklist cannot be deducted.
Both the landlord and the tenant should get copies of the landlord-tenant checklist to prevent disputes in future regarding old and new damages. A tenant has the right to sue if the landlord refuses to pay back the deposit for damages even though the damages were already there when the tenant first moved in.
Tenant Checklist for Landlords Renting Property in Sri Lanka
Application & Background Check
Landlords should create rental applications to gather information about tenants and their families. Rental applications provide landlords information about who will be staying in their properties and how long they will be leasing the properties. This helps to lower the risk of fraud. Use the information in the rental application to perform background checks. The background check should provide information about your tenant’s possible criminal activities and past evictions.
Remember Fair Housing Laws
Landlords are required to obey Sri Lanka housing rules. The law prohibits landlords in Sri Lanka from discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of dwellings based on race, color, ethnicity, religion or sex. This law applies to tenants and children under 18 living with their parents or legal custodians. It is important for landlords to discuss all possibilities with their prospective tenants before they move in. However, do not violate privacy laws by requesting too many personal questions from prospective clients during the screening process.
Create a Lease
Create a lease agreement and make sure it is a binding legal document. Make sure the details in the lease do not have mistakes because that might make it harder for you to litigate in case a tenant violates the terms of the agreement. In addition, make sure the lease spells out your expectations as a landlord including worst-case scenarios and how they will be resolved in case they arise.
Obtain Insurance
One thing that worries landlords the most when tenants move into their properties is the possibility of damage. Since it is almost impossible to foresee the possibility of damage when tenants move in, you need to obtain an insurance policy that will cover your liability in case tenants damage your homes. An insurance agent can help you select the most appropriate insurance cover for you.
Landlords are required to perform walkthroughs with their tenants before they move in. Tenants should take note of damages in the landlord’s checklist. The tenant-landlord agreement binds the tenant to maintain the condition of the property.
Ideas for Marketing Rental Properties
Landlords can use various advertising platforms to market their properties. Social media sites can help you reach many people at once. Advertising on social networks involve posting attractive photos of your rental properties and providing key information about the properties.
Another marketing option for rental properties is websites. You can easily set up your own website using various user-friendly tools on the Internet. When marketing your rental properties using your website, post numerous flattering photos of your properties and provide information about the properties and the local communities.
Local print media can be an effective way of getting the word out there about your rental property and its availability. Market your property by placing full color ads in specialty publications and placing ads on classified sections of local newspapers.
Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways to advertise your rental property. Create appealing business cards with contact information and hand them out to prospective clients.