Businesses you can start with a camera

Most people don’t realize that their income-earning opportunities are limited only by their imagination. The possibilities are endless; business ventures are out there just waiting to be discovered, and one of the easiest ways to get started is with a camera. Cameras give you access to a wide range of business opportunities and allow you to offer services to your community in a way that little else can. A camera can also allow you to start a business online, giving you access to a much larger customer base than your local area might be able to provide. Here are a few businesses you can start with only a camera.
1. Camera Review Blog
Many amateur photographers want to upgrade from their existing camera, but aren’t sure how to get started. By creating a blog that provides camera reviews, you can inform them on what the best features of a given model are, as well as what types of lenses best accompany it. You can even stay on top of the latest developments in the photography world, tracking new camera releases as they’re announced. By accumulating enough knowledge, you can provide a valuable resource that photographers will gladly pay for, either in the form of affiliate marketing or through an eBook.
2. Wedding Photography
With the number of weddings that occur on a monthly basis, offering wedding photography services can help you to really springboard your revenue. Once you land a few clients and get good reviews, you can start reaching out to larger weddings. Build a reputation for yourself and prove to the world that you have a valuable skill to offer. Keep an eye out on cameras for sale; while there isn’t a best DSLR camera for weddings, it’s better to have one with different lenses so you can capture whatever moment comes your way.
However, a word of warning: make sure you are skilled enough at photography before you attempt wedding photos. Because the day is so special, messing up the shot can destroy your reputation as a photographer. Prices are also higher, so people expect high quality.
3. Landscape Photography
Taking great shots of the landscape is much easier than wedding photography. If you snag a good enough photograph, then you can build a reputation for yourself online, selling the images for quite a bit of money. There is also less pressure than there is on a wedding photographer, so it allows you time to build up your skills and experiment with styles. Finding a great compact camera can help with landscape photography; having something small is easier than carrying all of your professional gear with you, so finding the best compact cameras that still get the job done is an important aspect of the job.
Buying a Camera
There are several ways you can approach purchasing a camera for your business. If you aren’t skilled in photography, the best thing to do is to take classes. You can find photography classes at many schools, and often in community centers. If there are none offered near you, join an online forum and submit your work for critique. Take the advice of those more experienced than you and implement what they have to see into your own techniques. After this, if you do not already own a camera, you should try to buy one.
DSLR versus Point and Shoot
When shopping for a camera, there are two types to choose from: DSLR and point and shoot. Point and shoot are the most common kind, and the cheapest. They require no real knowledge of photography, nor any skill with aperture, ISO,or any of the other technical aspects of the business; the camera itself will automatically focus on the target and take the photo, making it a great choice for beginners. However, DSLR cameras can produce much high quality photographs than a point and shoot. The downside lies in cost. The body alone often costs well over $1000 for a DSLR, not to mention the different lenses you have to purchase.
The lenses themselves can cost several hundred a piece, if not more. So here’s where to look.
There are multiple photographers’ forums out there where photographers may be willing to sell used lenses for a discount. On the other hand, there are also classified websites such as where you can purchase additional lenses for much less than the full price. The key is to take your time and search for a bargain.
In Store
Going into major electronics retailers can also be a good bet for finding a lens, particularly if you can’t seem to find it online anywhere. If the lens is new or used only in specific situations, it might be difficult to find it online. Even if you do, paying full price plus shipping is more of an investment than many people want to make. Consider purchasing in-store for those unique lenses that just can’t be found elsewhere.
Before you make your purchase, spend time consulting review sites and finding out which camera best suits your needs. If purchasing a DSLR, make sure to consider the different lens types. For instance, you would use a vastly different lens for landscape photographer than you would for portrait photography. The key to saving money and starting a photography business is to keep your initial costs low.
There are multiple businesses you are able to start with a camera, provided you approach the situation the right way. Make sure to make smart choices regarding your investments and expenses, take care of the camera, and it will last you for years to come.