
How to face a job interview

Interviews can be a nerve racking experience for all of us causing anticipation , pressure and certainly the fear to perform.They are not only a step in the right direction when starting out your career, It is the foundation stone to the beginning of any pipe dream. To find ourselves on the brighter end of that pipe dream we’ll explore a few ways to up our game and stand above from the rest of the pack

Understanding the Company Culture / Background

Make sure to target the company. Before you reach the doorstep be familiar with the backdoor of the company. Understand their mission, their goals and most importantly their perspective so that you can have a generous peek from the same angle.Align yourselves with the vision of the institution to better understand the insights and take those in charge using the element of surprise when you’ve undermined them without them even knowing.

Know yourself better than they know you

Your resume/CV is your very own marketing tool in the corporate world.Use it to your advantage, even though we believe to know ourselves better than others ,don’t let the person at the other end surprise you,Learn how to sell yourself, your thoughts,ideas and vision. Your resume is the iron club hand to hand with you in this process.Swing away and take the game up to the other end of the table and it’ll take you a long way in landing you a job.

Read this article on how to make your CV correctly

Dress to impress

FIrst impressions do matter and they last longer than you believe. If the average interview lasts half an hour then you have 30 mins to cast a perfect image of yourself in summary. Keep your wardrobe in high standards as it can go a long way in leaving an impression behind in the mind of the employer. Take the time to iron that shirt to wrinkle out the possibility of leaving a bad stain in the eyes of the employer.

Punch in and Punch out at time

Punch in your punctuality card at the right time as that’s all it takes for your employer to know what time you’ll step in day in and day.At all opportunities possible take the time to show up on time. “If you’re on time that means you’re already late”. Arriving early shows your respect for the employer and the institution.

Communicate effectively 

Take time to express your thoughts and say things outright. Use your voice and body language in hand to hand as your bow and arrow and speak with precision and to the point .Make your intentions clear and send them across, aligning your words with your vision and future of the institution.Prove that you have what it takes and let your employer know you’re the man for the job. Take confidence but a gentle reminder to be humble and genuine

Expressing personal value and worth

To be potentially employed you must be ready to offer something of a personal value that is a cut above the rest. If we were to compare these personality values numerically even an 0.5 one difference might be the cutthroat value that sets you above the rest

Follow up and step up

A highly underrated strategy in situations like this is following up to the employer and leaving a constant reminder on the fence of being a borderline nuisance.A simple follow through and a thank you note goes a long way in this industry

Taking all of these points into consideration you’ve got yourself a foolproof guide on how to master the art of facing an interview.This may not guarantee your spot as it depends on a lot of factors but following these methods will definitely increase your chances of earning that and leave you better equipped to the task

Here’s more reading to help you with your career:

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