A Guide to Marketing Jobs in Sri Lanka

Employers advertising for marketing jobs at www.ikman.lk are looking for talented individuals who are creative self-starters that are driven to succeed. The typical marketing job needs a candidate who is a great communicator and can come up with ideas and tasks on their own. There are a variety of marketing jobs in Colombo that are available to a candidate with a high level of skill and a degree in business.
For marketing jobs in Sri Lanka, candidates must have a bachelors degree or equivalent work experience in the marketing field. There are a variety of job titles for anyone with a marketing degree. There are many types of jobs available for a marketing professional.
Market Researcher
Candidates for these jobs will know how to analyze and research data. They will need to resolve problems in a marketing environment and identify opportunities based on the research data. Materials such as reports for clients, marketing packages and advertising campaigns are designed based on the data compiled by market researchers.
Marketing Associate
A marketing associate is often performing data entry and client communications. They will also talk to customers regarding product questions. They assist other marketers with complicated research, database and catalog problems.
Market Research Manager
The market research manager oversees the market researcher and marketing associate. These positions are responsible for the entire marketing research department in regards to the client research aspect of the marketing team.
Marketing Communications Specialist
After market research is complete, the marketing campaign can begin and this involves advertising to the consumer. The marketing communications specialist will oversee the media aspects of a campaign.
Marketing Director
The director oversees the implementation of various phases of a marketing plan. They will coordinate with all departments and ensure that the quality is up to customer, client and company standards. They monitor marketing, sales and promotion.
Contract or Freelance Marketer
This type of marketer works from home either full- or part-time or from a remote office directly for clients. They are able to dictate their own price and tasks that they’ll provide for clients. Many of these positions are available remotely.
Daily Marketing Tasks
A marketing professional will meet with clients to discuss their marketing needs. They will develop strategies for marketing based on the budget and requirements of the client as well as negotiate contracts based on the outcome of the meetings.
They will create marketing campaigns, branding awareness advice and strategies for advertising. They will advise the client on media campaigns across a variety of advertising spaces like radio, print and online venues.
Depending on their role in the company, marketers will either draw up the contracts used with clients or be the manager that oversees the department and assesses all contracts with all clients. The pricing between client and marketer is determined by the manager and discusses at length.
The size of the company determines what kind of tasks the marketing professional will handle. A small firm might not have a separate individual for each level of marketing. Professionals there might have to handle more than one role. The same professional who handles public relations might have to handle brand awareness and promotions.
Traits of the Marketing Professional
The skills needed for a marketing professional are taught in universities, but the traits common to all marketing professionals cannot be taught in school. These are common traits of the individual and a necessity for those who wish to pursue a marketing career.
Marketing professionals are creative individuals who can think critically about a client’s problem and lay out solutions that the client couldn’t have come up with on their own. The professional will have to understand the various creative solutions that can be employed on behalf of the customer.
As a marketing professional, they’ll need to review and collate market research into a plan for clients. Marketing professionals have to understand the data as well as translate that into an actionable plan for the client’s business.
Communication Skills
The professional marketer will have to communicate with clients, co-workers, customers and the public on a daily basis. They’ll need to translate ideas into action and communicate that to the client. Communication skills are one of the most important for the marketing professional.
Experience Needed
Entry Level
In low-level positions like marketing associates, the candidate needs a degree, but experience will be limited. If the candidate has any summer experience or internships, these will be a great asset to the professional hoping to break into the marketing field.
Manager Positions
Often, managers are hired from within the company, but in some cases, the position can be available on www.ikman.lk. The potential candidate will need years of experience in a marketing position before they will be considered for a manager’s position. The professional should keep current with marketing trends and show how they provide value to clients.
Freelance Positions
Some marketers prefer to work on their own terms for clients by providing very specific services. Unless they have an office full of their own employees, they will have to provide niche services like online marketing for small businesses. This is a great way to break into the marketing profession, but it requires a marketing who can market themselves to find clients.
Marketing professionals with specific skills can provide consultant services to marketing businesses as well as directly to clients. A consultant must be considered an expert in their field, and they need to be current on marketing trends to be a successful consultant. They have to provide a service that an employee couldn’t supply.
Candidates interested in marketing positions have to analyze their skills, experience and desires against the positions that are available. Often, a candidate is competing with other professionals for the same challenging positions. Professional marketers need to ensure that they are marketing themselves attractively to the company. Those with the traits of a successful marketer and the experience to match shouldn’t have a problem finding a great marketing job.