How to Use to Find Your Dream Job!

According to the Department of Census and Statistics, Sri Lanka has a current unemployment rate of more than 4.0 percent. Therefore, residents of Sri Lanka will need to use as many resources as possible to find themselves reliable employment. The site is a website that provides easy access to available jobs in Sri Lanka. The site can connect consumers to sale items such as mobile phones, computers, automobiles, and properties, as well. Any person who has a minimal level of computer skills can find a job by using the website. The following is a guide to finding a wide variety of vacancies in the area.
Reviewing the Front Page
The website is a user-friendly website. Job seekers can find vacancies easily by starting their search on the front page. Visitors can choose one of two methods to search for jobs in Sri Lanka. They can find the name of their district on the front page and click on it. Alternatively, they can click on the “Jobs and Services” link toward the bottom of the page. Both steps will require the second step of narrowing the search down to location or job type. For example, a person who clicks on “Jobs and Services” will need to then click on “Colombo” to find jobs in Colombo. Once the person sees a list of available jobs, he or she can then read the job description to see if it fits his or her desires.
Types of Jobs in Colombo
Colombo is an area that has an abundance of job opportunities. Babysitter is one of the jobs that one might find in Colombo. Parents need people to watch their children while they go to work and spend time with each other on special occasions. A babysitter does not have to have special credentials or licenses. Therefore, any adult or young adult with child-rearing experience can apply for a position.
Companies in Colombo require drivers, as well. They may need drivers to transport people to various appointments, or they may need people to deliver their goods. A driver will need to have the appropriate license and credentials. Many companies allow prospective employees to negotiate the prices on their items.
How to Find IT Jobs
A person who is interested in an IT job can find such a position by clicking on “Jobs and Services” from the front page. The next step is clicking on “IT and Telecom,” which is located on the website’s left side bar. IT jobs are available in Colombo, Dehiwala, Nugegoda and some other areas. The jobs are not just for people who consider themselves professional. Some companies offer entry-level positons such as a networking trainee administrator. The networking trainee administrator could learn the appropriate job duties from an experienced person.
A data entry operator position is available in Colombo. The job is for a female who needs work, and it consists of entering customer data into a computer. A job seeker can find positions as a computer technician, web designer and software developer, as well.
Searching for Office Jobs
An interested party could search for office jobs by clicking on the “Jobs and Services” link and then clicking on “Secretary and Office Admin” on the left side of the page. Office positions can consist of a wide variety of duties and obligations. Some of the duties that an office person may perform are filing, answering telephones, data entry and the like. Office jobs are abundant in several areas including Colombo and Gampaha. Some companies have openings for secretaries, and other companies have openings for office assistants.
Another available job is the office clerk position. Sales support positions are open, as well. Sales support people are not salespersons. However, they may support the salesperson by educating the consumer about a product or service that he or she has purchased. The support person may play a role that is similar to a person in a customer service position. Office clerk, office girl, and HR executive are the names of some additional jobs that a person can find on the website. An HR executive would need to have an extensive amount of experience.
Looking for Teaching Jobs
Teaching jobs are available on the website, as well. An interested person can find teaching positions by clicking first on “Jobs and Services” and then clicking on “Teaching” to the left of the page. Approximately 355 teaching positions are currently available in the area. Some areas that offer the teaching positions are Colombo, Gampaha, Kandy, Kurunegala and Kalutara.
A wide variety of teaching jobs exists. One example of a teaching job that the site contains is a guitar teacher. Guitar teachers can earn a great deal of money teaching other people how to play the instrument. Preschool teachers and English nursery teachers are people who deal mostly with young children. Such people have to have an immense amount of patience and a love for the world’s youth.
Yoga teacher positions are available for persons who have experience with the art of Yoga. Yoga is a practice that focuses on balancing the mind, body and soul through meditation and exercise. A Yoga teacher would need certification and credentials to teach other people the practice.
Some schools in Colombo are searching for accounting teachers. Account teachers must have certification in accounting, as they will be teaching an Edexcel IGCSE O/L & A/L course.
Many jobs are available in Sri Lanka in various areas. An unemployed person does not have to be discouraged as long as sites such as exist. Hundreds of thousands of job openings are available just in the Columbo area alone. Sri Lanka residents are encouraged to search the site for a desirable job position. Persons who have specific skill sets can post ads on the site to alert companies of their talents, as well.