Cars & Bikes

The new ikman Vehicles Auto Services makes ad searching faster!

One of ikman’s subcategories is Auto Services, under ikman Vehicles. Here you can currently find over 5,000 ads. ikman Vehicles continue to grow in popularity and become a go-to spot for posting your ad in order to reach a potential of 4 million interested buyers. It’s not uncommon to have a large volume of ads under this section. But we understand it can cost the customer a lot of time to browse through so many ads, which are not even relevant to their query.

The outcome of this knowledge?

A revised Auto Services category! Our product team played around with the type of ads that should show up here. As a result, certain ads have been shifted to another subcategory. The aim of this migration is simple – to make your search experience easier and faster. 

Which type of ads is visible under the new Auto Services subcategory?

  1. Leasing and Loans

    If you operate in the competitive vehicle leasing sector, then you can easily reach your target audience through the new Auto Services subcategory. Your membership will give you a strong position to attract quality leads for the vehicle financing services you offer.
  1. Imports and Permits

    If you are involved in specialised and personalised vehicle importing services, our brand new Auto Services category can help you to promote your business to the right audience.

    Likewise, if you want to sell your vehicle permits in the second-hand market, then this is your ideal spot to advertise, too!
  1. Vehicle Services

    Any vehicle-related services such as Smart Key Programming, Vehicle Interiors, Leather Reworking, etc. can market their businesses on Auto Services.
  1. Maintenance and Repairs

    Due to the current ban on imports as a result of the pandemic, the surge in demand for reconditioned vehicles is not unexpected. This has created a massive demand for maintenance and repair services in the country.

    If your services consist of vehicle maintenance and repairs such as Wheel Alignment, Body Work, Accident Repair, Tune-up, Auto Detailing, Diagnostics or deal with other high-end automotive issues, then a membership package is likely to benefit your business. You can gain better exposure through Auto Services and attract sales leads. 
  1. Transport Services

    Transport service providers can post their ads on Auto Services, too. This includes home/office movers, school and office hires, as well as van and bus hire. 


Meanwhile, ads on vehicle rentals have now got their own space to dominate! The rising popularity of this category of ads could no longer be ignored so we created a specific listing only for car, bike and wedding hire. 

If you operate in this industry, your ads can now be posted on the new subcategory “Rentals” under ikman Vehicles. This allows a prominent placement for vehicle rental service providers. 

Benefits for users

  1. Faster browsing as potential buyers needs to look through fewer ads than before.
  1. Easier for ad posters to specify which type of listing their product or service is.
  1. Reduces clutter and improves user experience.
  1. The ability for sellers to promote their ads better due to fewer listings under each niche category. 

Why does frequently release website changes?

Now you can solve all your transport and vehicle-related needs at ikman’s enhanced Auto Services category. We are always upgrading our site based on your feedback and needs. Rest assured that our team is continually working to give you the best online shopping experience in the country! Don’t wait to post your ad now – it’s absolutely FREE in most of the categories. Get the best out of our marketplace while the deals are still fresh! 

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